Museum & Gallery

Loyd Library, Hesleyside
Loyd Library, Hesleyside
The Loyd Library, Hesleyside Hall, Bellingham A week in wild Northumberland in May 2014, involving a complete de-install, deep clean and total re-hang of the Hesleyside Library. A very dusty but rewarding technical coordination job involving both the curating and hanging of the paintings.

Millennium Clock
Millennium Clock
Throughout October and November 2015, I was lucky enough to be part of 4 person team, commissioned by The National Museums of Scotland responsible for the dismantling and cleaning of the Millennium Clock and then re-assembling it in a new position. One of the highlights of this job was the privilege of meeting the Shamanka Kinetic Theatre team – …

Monkey Business
Monkey Business
Primate packing at the National Museum Collection Centre in November 2016, in preparation for Monkey Business exhibition at National Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh, packing taxidermy specimens of all sizes – from the tiny mouse lemur to Bobby the gorilla and Anne the orangutan .. N.B: All the taxidermy specimens in the exhibition were animals that …

Museum of Flight
Museum of Flight
Just another day at work, scrubbing down some aircraft – including a Vulcan bomber and Scotland’s very own Concorde: Golf-Bravo-Oscar-Alpha-Alpha.