Streets Ahead Tranent, commissioned by Children’s Parliament .
This initiative explored children’s experiences of living in Tranent, an ex-mining town in East Lothian, and presents their ideas for regeneration of the local community.
The resulting eleven metre public mural depicts Tranent’s history, its present and a vision of how its young people would like to see it evolve.
We were proud to be invited to exhibit The Streets Ahead Mural to the United Nations in Geneva for the UNCRC Day of General Discussion.
For more information on this project: http://www.childrensparliament.org.uk/our-work/streetsaheadtranent/
This initiative was part of Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design 2016, supported by East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership (ELHSCP) and East Lothian Council, Historic Scotland, Festival of Architecture 2016, Heritage Lottery Fund and Tranent Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme. + Scottish Government through a CYPFEIF and ALEC Fund Grant.